A Photographer Gets An Epic, Exclusive Look At This Indigenous Tribe
September 16, 2015 #expanse
By August West

The Sami people have endured many of the same tribulations that other indigenous groups across the globe have. Baiki notes that as the governments of Norway and Sweden began their 500-year period of colonization in the region, the Sami language and way of life was threatened.

While much of the population was decimated or assimilated through the process, there are still people out there with Sami ancestry that carry their way of life forward. That way of life, as National Geographic observed, revolves around what the Sami people call "boazovázzi."

That word translates to "reindeer walker," and at one point in time, Nat Geo continues, "that's exactly what the herders once did, following the fast-paced animals on foot or wooden skis as they sought out the best grazing grounds over hundreds of miles of terrain."

While young Sami people today are much like the youth in any other place on Earth — with texting and the like — there's still a yearning to preserve the way of living that their ancestors embraced. Erika Larsen and National Geographic spent some time with them, and the imagery they gathered tells an epic story.

Check the footage out below and let us know what you think in the comments. When the video's over, be sure to share it with your friends on Facebook!

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