You'll Have Trouble Wrapping Your Head Around How Strange These 5 Planets Are
August 24, 2015 #expanse
By August West

There are some really strange planets out there, but these five planets might take the cake. They start off with one called TrES-4, and it's huge. When astronomers discovered it back in 2007, it was the largest exoplanet ever found.

The team behind the video compares this exoplanet to the largest planet in our solar system: Jupiter. Our gas giant is "so big, that thirteen-hundred Earths could fit into it." So, how does TrES-4 stack up? According to BBC, it's "about 70% larger than Jupiter."

That's just the tip of the iceberg. The team behind the video describes CoRoT-7 as "the incarnation of the human idea of hell," and before the 2011 discovery of Kepler 10b, it was the smallest known exoplanet we'd ever found.

There are three more bizarre planets in this video. Which one did you think was the strangest? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to share this clip with your friends on Facebook!

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