Back in the mid-sixties, a couple of scientists got hold of a horn antenna, and they pointed it toward space. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were expecting to find something, but what they found was far beyond their expectations. Through their trials, they discovered cosmic background radiation and went on to win the Nobel Prize.
That's what Jenny Slate is talking about in the bit below, taken from Comedy Central's Drunk History. It's hilarious watching her run through the facts, but even better is seeing her react to everything. That, accompanied by an awesome recreation of Penzias and Wilson's discovery, makes this clip a must-watch. Penzias is played by Justin Long, opposite Jason Ritter as Robert Wilson.
Save this one for when you leave the office — it's probably not safe for work. When the video's over, let us know what you thought in the comments, and be sure to share it with your friends on Facebook!