It might look like a clunky onesie to some, but there's a lot that goes into a space suit. First off, there are two different models — as you'd expect, Russia and the U.S. both have their own version of a space suit. Russia's Orlan space suit is a semi-rigid one-piece, while NASA's Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) has two pieces. We're going to be looking closely at NASA's EMU, but rest assured, Russia's version is plenty pricey, too. I'll cut to the chase and tell you the price, before explaining what goes into it (that's what you're here for, right?): $12,000,000. Yes, that's twelve million dollars. Considering that it took nearly $380 million to bring the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film to life, these suits seem like a steal.
Taking a quick dive into what each suit holds quickly reveals the reason these suits can be so expensive. Let's start with the obvious: all of these suits come with arms, gloves, and a helmet. As stated above, this is a two-piece suit, so we've also got the HUT (Hard Upper Torse), and the LTA (Lower Torso Assembly). The LTA holds the pants, boots, and lower waist, while the HUT, constructed from hard fiberglass, is a shell that supports the helmet and arms, while also holding the Primary Life Support Subsytem (PLSS), a display and control module , and a secondary oxygen pack. It only gets more intense from there.
The EMU Electrical Harness allows for communication and bio-instruments. This suit is constructed with layers upon layers, and they all serve a specific purpose. The Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment (LCVQ) is one of these layers. LCVQ is like your typical nylon long underwear, but it's outfitted with thin plastic tubes that carry cool water, and they help to remove heat generated by the astronaut. It doesn't end there though. When you're done watching the video below, which has 29 other facts you might not know about space, let us know if we left any of your favorite space-suit-parts out!