The 5 Most Terrifying Space Disasters To Date Will Shake You To Your Core
August 28, 2015 #expanse
By August West

Space exploration is a risky endeavor. While we all like to celebrate the highs of a successful mission, the early years of research were fraught with disaster. Things have become a lot safer in recent decades, the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003 serves as a reminder of the potential perils still associated with space flight.

Given its recency, the Columbia disaster is fresh in our minds, but there are four other disasters that rank higher on Dark5's "5 Most Haunting Space Disasters" list. The Soyuz 11 incident makes the list and as ArmaghPlanet notes, it's the only time that humans have died in space.

Check out Dark5's clip below, and be sure to let us know your impression in the comments. When you're done watching, share the clip with your friends on Facebook!

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