Pelicans are often thought to be pescatarians, but these fish-eating flyers are less picky than one might think. They're well known for their defining throat pouch, coupled with an excessively long bill. These features make it a great "fisherman," but they also give it another ability — they can swallow other birds whole.
The first clip below was seemingly captured while a news crew was on-site for something else. There's a few pelicans scattered throughout the shot, but far more numerous are their pigeon companions. You'll see quickly that one of these pelicans is trying his best to even out the numbers, but what's really worth watching is how he gets the job done.
You'll see in the second clip that this isn't an isolated incident. Contrary to popular belief, pelicans aren't the pescatarians we often make them out to be — when times get tough, these birds are willing to eat whatever's on the menu.