A Great White Shark Was Beached On Cape Cod, And These Heroes Saved Its Life
July 16, 2015 #expanse
By August West

Beachgoers in Chatham, Massachusetts had a hand in rescuing a recently beached Great White Shark. Shark sightings aren't uncommon in this small town, situated on Cape Cod's "elbow," but it's rare that one ends up on shore. Stuart Smith was the harbormaster called in for help, and when he arrived at 1:30 p.m., bystanders were already hard at work.

Smith spoke to The Boston Globe about the difference this made in the rescue, “Twenty, 25 years ago, they wouldn’t be exactly helping the shark. They’d be harming the shark. But now every single person on that beach was trying to assist it. The people on the beach made the difference.”

Check out the wild footage below. Be sure to share this with your friends on Facebook — if a lot of people see this, we'll all be more equipped to jump in and help in situations like the one below. Let us know what you thought of the clip in the comments on Facebook!

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