MeBai is an adorable young elephant, but she's had a tumultuous life. She was just three-and-a-half years old when she was taken from her mother, and sold to a group that trained her to entertain tourists. Her responsibilities included giving people rides, but it wasn't long before her young age began to have its effects. She simply wasn't old enough for that kind of stress, and after losing weight and becoming weaker, the group that had bought her lost interest.
That's when a program called "Pamper a Pachyderm" took her in, and showed her a life free of abuse. She was living her life at a santuary when someone was able to locate her mother. According to a recent update from the organization Elephant Nature Park, the pair is now being rehabilitated "so that they can return to the wild and live free." Check out the awesome reunion below, and be sure to let us know what you thought in the comments. After you're done watching, share this wonderful moment with your friends on Facebook!